Agriculture Development Program


Due to rapid growth of population, housing, improved communication, industrialization and urbanization, the total areas of forestry are decreasing day by day and destroying the natural resources, which has been contaminating total environment and creating different hazards, which has been making the human lives miserable and vulnerable, as different disasters are creating due to change of environment and climate. To reduce the environmental contamination and hazards, VOSD is implementing social afforestation programs in the rural, urban, town, SIDR affected areas, char and river erosion affected areas of the country since its inception, 1987. Social afforestation is one of the most important programs of VOSD. The activities of social afforestation have increased in 2010 to save the coastal and disaster prone area of the country. VOSD has been extensively and intensively implementing the social afforestation program in all its operational areas.

Agriculture Value Chain (AVC) Program


VOSD has been implementing Agriculture Value Chain (AVC) program through the implementation of Agro-Inputs Support program supported by IDB-FKP in 13 Upazillas, Agro-Machinery Program supported by Japan Embassy in Uzirpur and Gournadi Upazillas, Agro-Inputs support program for the CIDR affected poor families with support of FAO/EU in Daulatkhan and Tazumuddin Upazillas, Cap-Fisheries Inputs support Project supported by FAO/GOB in 13 Upazillas, Aquaculture Fish Culture Inputs supports program supported by FAO/World Bank in 13 Upazillas, Bangladesh Integrated Nutrition Program (BINP) supported by World Bank/DAE in 13 Upazillas, National Nutrition Program (NNP) supported by NNP/World Bank, Barisal, Jhalakathi, Patuakhali and Barguna Small Scale Agriculture Program (BJPB-SSCAP) supported by DAE, Faridpur, Gopalgonj, Madaripur and Shariatpur Small Scale Agriculture Program (FGMS-SSCAP) supported by DAE/IFAD. Mainly Barisal, Patuakhali, Barguna, Bhola, Jhalakathi, Pirojpur, Bagerhat etc. districts have been covered where 130,000 poor farmers have involved with the AVC activities through different agriculture development activities.

Social afforestation


Due to rapid growth of population, housing, improved communication, industrialization and urbanization, the total areas of forestry are decreasing day by day and destroying the natural resources, which has been contaminating total environment and creating different hazards, which has been making the human lives miserable and vulnerable, as different disasters are creating due to change of environment and climate.   To reduce the environmental contamination and hazards, VOSD is implementing social afforestation programs in the rural, urban, town, SIDR affected areas, char and river erosion affected areas of the country since its inception, 1987. Social afforestation is one of the most important programs of VOSD. The activities of social afforestation have increased in 2010to save the coastal and disaster prone area of the country. VOSD has been extensively and intensively implementing the social afforestation program in all its operational areas. To spread out the social afforestation program, VOSD has developed the following main components:

1.    Development of nursery for future sapling and continuous supply.

2.    Homestead based plantation.

3.    Coastal tree plantation.

4.    Road side plantation.

5.    Distribution of fruits and medicinal plants.

6.    Community based plantation.

7.    Kitchen gardening.

8.    Awareness raising meetings, seminars, observation of international days, rallies, workshops, play movies, drama, folk song, jattra, etc. for mass improvement are arranged.

9.    Formation of group, selection of beneficiaries, development of extension workers, village development committee (VDC), nursery development group (NDG) formation, etc. are performed.


Distribution and Plantation of Fruits, Medicine and Timber Trees Sapling


To   protect   the   environmental   degradation   from   natural   disasters,   VOSD prioritize  the  environmental  issues  with  care  and  protect  them  since  its inception. VOSD has been working with the objective of the organization, to concretize people on environment development and develop environmental condition of the operational areas. For the establishment of the objectives of VOSD and to save the environment from natural calamities, VOSD distributes fruits, medicines and wooden trees saplings to the local community people in its operational areas. The organization has distributed 15 saplings for each family and developed one nursery for each village, support staffs, community village development groups, village motivation groups and active village committee. Medicine and fruits saplings are distributed to plant in the homestead gardens of the operational areas. Fruits, medicines and wooden saplings are also distributed to schools, madrasas, colleges, local village development institutions and orphanages.